Thinking about making illustrated document on how to fully modify guitar
Are Battle Jackets allowed?
Hey everyone! I'm curious to know, where are you all from? I'd love to see which countries are representing Death fans here on this subreddit! Drop your country below!
Fortnite Festival Song Suggestions | AC/DC, Daft Punk, Queen, and More
Y’all rockin with my custom playlist artwork?
No way
My sketch of Leon
Am I the only one who hates Bobby's solos
It's not just nostalgia there's magic in the old re games that i keep getting back to them each year is it only me ? Read the caption please !!!!
My progress so far on the Beyond The Flame solo
Brad Vickers' head goes SPLAT! by me, ink + watercolors
Some of the items i got from the $3 mystery box. Got a few doubles but can’t complain at all!
How do you view ReLoad is a stand alone album in comparison to Load? Do you think the difference in quality between the two (whether good or bad) is substantial?
Bring it back....
I’d die if Micheal Jackson was apart of the festival
Bat in competitive
These guitars require a dongle?
What song have you been playing on repeat recently?
Finally beat Raining Blood on expert. Smash hits chart on GHWT
Which actor walked away from a film/franchise because of artistic integrity?
What is Death’s best intro, on individual Thought Patterns?
[Concept] Fortnite Festival if they stopped playing around and and dropped more metal tracks
Characters I’d like to see in Fortnite
Question, who here actually knew who Mariah Carey was before she came to Fortnite?
How does James mess up his guitars so fast?