Shit happens. If you can’t deal with it then you’re part of the problem.
Well, the time has come (USA)
My mind feels absolutely shattered and unrepairable.
How likely will Switch games locked at 30FPS run 60FPS on Switch 2?
It’s finally over (USA)
(FRA) Have you ever said "Sir/Ma'am, this is a McDonald's" to a customer?
(USA) Working with an Anxiety Disorder?
On the brink of quitting or just not caring until I get fired.
Let it go. And leave me alone. (USA)
Do any of you assholes have jobs anymore? (US)
It’s 8:14 A.M. in Japan. Furukawa is considering what type of coffee to have today.
Awkward camera Persona 3 Reload
This game looks like absolute dogwater graphically on console (PS5)
120 fps mode Xbox Series X?
Every game should feel as responsive as Bloodborne
Make this make sense, please.
This game feels awful at 60 fps on Series X
Enough with this shit, seriously.
Apparently companies don’t like making money anymore.
It's been fun boys but I'm moving on
Is this game known to struggle on base PS4 with performance?
Input lag on everything all the time
What is the best TV I can get for the best gaming experience?
Game mode is a fucking joke