Tartarus Stage after Asfane is easier
Updated: Free 150 tokens with the Essenza SCV12
Albums about suicide
Songs that have breathing in them
Only 13 bps away from the key. I grabbed all bps from the event.. Any idea??
Favorite song off Self Titled?
Guess my Age
Any Songs that have the same Nostalgic Vibes as Fireflies from Owl City or Safe and Sound by Capital Cities?
Money money money
Linkin Park Alphabet: E
fuck this song is sooooo good!
If you're listening to music rn, what are you listening to?
fav song from CoE?
What is the worst song you have ever listened to?
Hello goodbye music suggestions
Guess the song the but it’s poorly described
Car Hunts for "uncommon" cars should be 1 ticket/race by default
I listened to every Green Day album. Here's what I think of each one.
Avenged Sevenfold X ALU
What song has the best ending?
I'm semi new here, please give recommendations!
You try to tell Green Day they have too many songs named after a girl but it goes wrong
Your top five, can be any genre
Your Top 5 Opening/Closing Tracks?
Can’t quite believe that the best gig I’ve ever been to… was a whole TEN years ago