For those who are struggling with mental health issues.
To all humans, what other animal would you have preferred to be if you had the choice ?
What’s a mystery from your childhood you still haven’t solved?
What’s one thing you think everyone should experience at least once?
What was something that restored your faith in humanity?
What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve accidentally said in a serious situation?
If you could ask your pet one question and get a response, what would it be?
What is something you wish was invented to make your life easier?
Who is your favourite celebrity?
If You could destroy nation,What national whoud you destroy?
What helps your headaches?
What's your definition of "grown up"?
25F from the PNW
[20F] lowkey just looking for friends who don’t ghost 🫡
A quote for you.
If you could send a message to your younger self, what would it be?
What are some good subreddits to follow that can help with depression, doom scrolling and boredom?
What is the most amount of pain one person has ever experienced in history?
Whats the best way to get rid of feeling guilty ?
What was the grossest food or drink you’ve ever tried, and why did you find it so disgusting?
If the leader of your country was visiting your home right now, what would you say to them?
What was your first smartphone?
What is your completely useless talent?
You Don’t Have to Face It Alone—Let’s Chat.
what do you think about a guy not having any social media?