No, Kimchi does not want kisses.
Goodbye Barbara Goldie Ann McDonald
Addendum to the “when to stop” post
When to stop
I gave him wet food and cuddles
This sassy girl loves golf
Princess Sally Bean, reproachful.
I asked if she was comfortable
the vacuum causing a severe case of the airplane ears 🛩
0.1 seconds before she tried to swat me for booping her nose too many times 🤣
The second before the pounce
Say hi to Nabi :)
Where can I get dry ice in Chicago (for an experiment)?
why won’t my cat just pee in the litter?
My orange menace
Fearsome teefies
Mad that I said “ow” when he laid down on my chest.
Monkeybread has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen
New member.
My Cat Broke His Jaw, Now He Looks Like Bane
Her claw isn’t actually stuck, it’s a trap.
Daylight savings really hit Popcorn hard
It's her birthday!
Goober alert!🚨🚨🚨
My favorite picture of her