Secret Pickleball Court Oakway
Feb 28 “economic blackout”
If you're boycotting Target and Amazon where are you buying your toiletries?
Whitaker neighborhood
It’s Election Day. What are we stress eating??
fun date ideas in eugene
where do ya'll like to go for dates?
Feeling super discarded
Eugene, Or players
Just bought my first two paddles: Fat Boy and Shogun 😊
Excuse moi?!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
2006 Toyota Rav4 making a trill sound
Sims townies won’t stop coming into my house…
TPMS sensors
How is everyone’s treasure hunts coming along? I think I’ll be able to make it in time. I’ve seen people complete it super fast though.
Non-Crew Getting Crew Discount?
Trill sound/Intermittent Starting issues
Where can I get this sparkling kind of lighting?
Aitba for losing my temper on my mom
How long will you drive to a TJs?
Query about theRitz Residence house placement
AITAH For Secretly Cheating On Our Vegetarian Diet That My Wife Made Our Family Do?
Am I the only one who makes their own houses in the game
How many chairs did you get from STS?
My new Tree House build!