favorite self loathing character?
Type any favorite characters name with your eyes closed
Now who in the h*ll thought about getting a child this gift
And Overhaul is the second healer of our MHA Rivals roster who would be next? (RULES BELOW)
Ship Rating! What Do You Think of Mt. Night?
I wonder why Bones decided to censor Pop Step’s costume but not Momo’s? (Had to use Spacetoon as an example for Momo’s censored outfit)
Try and guess people's anime quotes
1E is Tsuyu Asui/Froppy who is 1F?
Kota Izumi is 1D. Who is 1E?
Characters that are insanely oblivious when it comes to romance
Eri is 1C. Who is 1D?
which of the League of villains members would you want to spend your day with and why? (assuming they are neutral towards you at the start but may harm you depending on their personality and your behavior)
Good guys who turn bad and eventually cause an apocalypse and/or genocide.
I had a dream that there were 4 birds outside my window that looked and sang like the Beatles and would repeat everything I’d say in a Beatles voice.
She’s definitely going to stir up trouble for everyone 😩😂
Tierlist based on whether I've eaten these contestants or not. (Biting also counts)
Without quirks who would win in a fist fight? Midnight or Mt. Lady?
(Insert Blue Pill/Hardening joke hear) because Kirishima won the 15th spot in our MHA Rivals roster who should be next(RULES BELOW)
Nemuri Kayama/Midnight is 1B who is 1C?
type your favorite character's name without using the crossed out letters
Ochako Uraraka/Uravity is 1A who’s 1B?
Characters you do NOT want to be in the same vehicle/aircraft as
Whose post-time skip design is your favourite?
me when I see the sub has become more horrifying than the actual book
Do you actually have big stories planned for your OCs or do you just like making characters?