Who is your favorite music artist?
What hobbies do you have?
Rare Trump W?
What’s the one song that never fails to make you tear up?
Movies that changed your life?
Joe Rogan was never funny and is now pathetic
When natural disasters strike a Blue State, pastors can't wait say it's God's wrathful vengeance for the state's sins. Where are those pastors when tornadoes tear up Red States?
7 states are experiencing extreme storms. Today the President won a golf championship at his own golf course....
Saw someone post something similar on here a few days ago. Here's another Weird Al Google AI fail!
What were elders from your time ranting about?
Do you assume all Tesla owners are aligned with Elon?
US : If a felon cannot legally vote, a felon cannot legally take office.
You can pick one new 'standard' car color for all cars going forwards.
If you had to choose, would you prefer to receive $10 billion or bring a loved one back to life?
It looks like JD Vance has always been a sleazy creep 💩
What movie has the best opening scene of all time?
a huge portion of the country was hit by deadly tornados and this is his first post today
"Bad" Movies You Still Like
If you won the lottery what would be signs of you being rich?
Kim Kardashian’s woe as India trip fails to live up to fictional Disney city
Which comedy film delivered the biggest laugh of your lifetime?
Whenever someone says “Thank you” to you, you get $20.
Anybody's parents let them pick out movies to watch they thought were "family friendly" but turned out to not be?
first impression?