California is the greatest example of government waste in the modern world.
The California High Speed Rail Project is a poster child for corruption and incompetence and will never be completed.
Eating at a sit-down restaurant is a waste of time, money, and quality.
If you could tell your early CS self one thing what would it be?
Which Countries are yall favorites??
Turned down E7 at Meta
How to handle inconsiderate people?
16 Months Unemployed in Tech: What I've Actually Experienced
Reasonable (graduate) credit load while working full time?
Best dense/ walkable "suburbs" in the US?
How to transition from being an employed dev to self employed/ business owner for tax reasons?
What’s the best part of living in Chicago (or: convince me to leave California)?
Which city (Austin or Chicago) is the better city for high-paying tech opportunities?
how worth it it is to go to a prestigious university?
Would I hate NYC as much as I think I would??
Friendly PSA: if you genuinely like where you live, don’t move.
Can you rent out units in a duplex/ fourplex with full property tax exemption?
Are there any TV series that INTJs particularly enjoy?
Why are engineering salaries so low?
Husband and I lost our jobs on the same day but we have $4.2 million in savings and retirement. What's next?
Unsure what to do next
Keto makes my life absurdly simple.
Mansions are stupid. Smaller living spaces are better than large ones.
Extreme brain fog before pooping?