What is your favorite comfort series?
What steps do you take to enhance your high?
What funny things can you teach a parakeet to say?
I’m pet sitting for my FIL for a week, what words or songs can I try to teach him?
What would your name be if you were an elf?
Sean is the peanut butter baby
what's your island's name?
What's the first song you're playing?
My full ACOTAR cast
best way to figure out what fish i’m missing?
It is nearly spring and that means little beasts will be in your garden. Please wrap sticky tape a round you legs for these as they suck blood and give diseases to us humans. Stephen.
What are YOUR daily tasks?
If you can remember, what were your starter villagers and what fruit did you had?
What would you buy this cake for?
Am I the only one who doesn't like the spicy scenes?
❤️thoughts on my fancast?
Does anyone else do this?
I want to scream
Can I use these two products at the same time?
can I skip the campden tablet?
I had started making the Hooch Saturday but now it's really cloudy I feel like I might have put way to much yeast
There are some Hozier lyrics in here somewhere
My shoes decided to give up just as I reached the wedding
what’s your title on your passport?
Which song is this for you guys?b
what hozier song are you blasting through here?
what noah kahan song are you blasting through here?