What's your favourite meta simp build that proves you don't feel the need to prove you're special?
How to Xaku?
FINALLY GOT MY FIRST INCARNON!! Took me all day to get it.
Multiple Polarities
To be Limbo or Valkyr
Which one do you suggest me to build first and why?
Keep rolling or hold
I didn't know it was possible, i have run out of relics to fuel my gambling addiction. AMA
Your Favourite 3 Weapon (Non-incarnon and Non-Lich/Sister weapons)?
Is it good riven for synapse, and coda version is new weapon or adapter like incarnon?
Whats a Warframe which you'd argue can comfortably do all mission types solo?
Your favorite weapon that isn’t actually very good/meta
Did anyone else notice that all of the coda weapons are fully-infested, not mutalist/mutations?
My 1st Lich playing with me a year. Kill or convert?
Folks who aren't farming MR, what are you doing?
Still cant download it
How many old players who are still under MR30 out there? Want to see if I am not alone.
Friendly reminder for all
Farming grendel
I'm still going to have a heart attack with all the jump scares
At what point am I no longer a #earlygameplayer?
What are ur main frame?
Is it unusual that I have 120 hours on the game and still am Mr9?
Hard choice right ?
Baro Ki'teer inventory and recommendations 2024-10-18