The false clinch dynamic is killing standup grappling
Best Situations You Used BJJ in Real Life?
"To teach is to spark the flash of understanding in the student."
Looking for Instructionals or content on ecological approach
How do you deal with the fear of fighting?
Is nogi becoming more popular than gi these days?
What’s the Most “Overpowered” Move in BJJ That No One Uses Enough?
The fact that people call Kade a “spazz” is wild. In wrestling, he would be out “scrambling” everyone. His style is exciting and technical, stuff a lot of us were saying the sport lacked…
How to deal with a strong wrestler?
CMV: Trump's approach to Ukraine is the correct one
What was the most demoralizing moment of your bjj career?
Is BJJ your favorite hobby?
what is this takedown?
Half guard: whats your favorite technique to advance forward and to what?
Thoughts on Trump blaming Ukraine for the war?
Forgive the autism
Bryce Mitchell will be taking on an Israeli Grappler in the Pit Submission Series at Karate Combat 53 in Denver
dima collar tie patreon instructional
I’m looking for the name of this back take.
K guarders, what transformed your game?
Plane Crash at DCA
Breza/Jordan teaching a snatch single. When I try to stiff arm guys standing upright it just feels like I'm pushing a brick wall, is there a trick to getting this to work?
K guard to crab-ride and keeping your knee safe
Good instructionals on straight ankle lock?
Is there a better way to teach moves?