Nipple piercing questions (photo for personal anatomy reference to find similar anatomy on others)
Before and after scoliosis surgery
First Stick Beauty Mark
Bruised cervix
Anorexia recovery 85-125 in a year :) TW!!
Follow up on my follow up about the glasses chain idea: A prototype has been made after feed ack from the community lmao (00g tunnels for reference)
Choosing a type of boot + getting safety gear
Beans in the snow 🫘
Diso! I have a budget of around $35? Possibly $40! Lmk
This sub allowed fresh sh with no warning and only puts a warning over large healed scars and I’m tired of it
I need professional opinions
Finally back up to 80mm debating if I want to continue to 100mm 🤔
[Hair Removal] Ingrown Hairs or What
How to reduce sex pain??
[Before&After] Spearmint tea is THAT girl
How to satisfy a guy without having sex?
Very excited
hand over ur kittos photos and I’ll draw them ;)
Noticed my nose tip changed shape after stretching septum, is this permanent?
Prebuilt skates
What's the worst motel experience of your life?
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) for ASD
Your username is the hottest new dating app. What’s it like?