Does anyone else put on a front?
To the dumpers: how soon did you break no contact?
To all the dumpers: how soon was your first rebound?
Does anyone get valuable advice for breakups on Chatgpt?
Does it get better?
For the dumpers: Is the grass greener or do you miss your ex?
Ex sending mixed signals
Is the chance of getting back together over?
Need some input
tell me not to txt her
I just got dumped and she started dating another dude
Does anyone else experience vomiting?
For all those that went through a temporary breakup, what are some signs that your ex gave you that you'll end up back together?
What are some of your biggest insecurities as women
Do most women have a fear that their husband will lust over a younger woman?
What's one thing that happened that you should have been careful what you wished for?
For all the dumpees: Did they ever reach back out to you?
I wouldn't wish a breakup on my worst enemy
For all the Dumpers: Is the grass greener or do you miss your ex?
2 Months after GF (25) Dumped me: What I've learned and done in early stages
Do women get jealous if you seem like you've moved on after the breakup, even though they initiated it?
Need some quick advice re my ex who I'm still living with
Can you please share some embarrassing stories of what you did when your ex broke up with you?
How the hell does anyone focus on work?