I don't know what space sorcery is this but I like 4 wings
Fellow Tenno, what have you named your railjack?
Who you like to punch him in the face for free
You have 1 hour to eat this for $1M. Who are you calling for help?
Polarization is redundant...
I asked and DE answered!!!
What's this Endo image mean?
What's the best thing to do?
Unmasking the unseen revealing the hidden.
AIIIEEE SAVE ME MR PABLO, He's looking right at me and I'm only at 399 days logged in
How many of y’all are just existing? And what is stopping you from living the life you dreamt off?
That's an unusual log-in reward.
What’s this in the middle of the sky in Delhi around 5:25 pm
Tennos I’ve platinumed warframe . But my wife and kid left me .
The Fall Off Is Crazy 😭🙏
this cant be right
Tell me your main Warframe and i'll say something nice about you
My first manga book!
She loves it deep
While Volt is getting a third deluxe, which of these would you like to see get one next?
Lich is dead meat
Naaaah bro my Lich is about to get business
The accidentally leak new night wave mods with the hotfix
DE is too real for this one