Play the HD collection or Wait for the remake?
Hexblade key Info
Why do people like evil Minthara?
Just wondering, what's with all of the posts asking if their dualshocks are real or not?
Scored these today
Finish your game, cowards
Could a second rhinoplasty make me more passable? Feel free to suggest any more surgeries you think necessary
Picked this up at a local game store
How can I improve? (22F)
complete beginner
Is this true? I found it on Facebook.
This video made me unsub from TrueUnderDawg
Collecting PS3 Games, suggestions?
I want to build a collection of PS3 exclusives. Suggestions?
Can anyone sell me the “blade” part of the Pact of the Blades warlock?
My glorious king kuai liang
Steam sale bundle worth it?
Will you ever delete this game?
Who would win? Dark Raiden (with Shinnok's amulet) or Fire Fod Liu Kang?
I'm torn between being a summoner and an archer
if mortal Kombat 1 was flopped universally and gets negative review from all players around at the launch of the games, would WB shutdown the games alongside that they delisted it forever
When not playing a Charisma class, what's your usual Charisma?
Meanwhile, in another timeline…
Advice for an Armor of Agathys “Tank” character
POV: In a different timeline Bi-Han never turned bad and stuck to the Lin Kuei. Like his original counterpart he met Sareena and the two started a relationship - credit of art goes too bimbohowdy on Twitter