I'll give it a try genre don't matter
It’s crazy to think this is where I am with vinyl now compared to ~a year ago
It’s crazy to think I didn’t have this many shirtless men a year ago
The best song in the album
Something about Quadeca.
Whats your monthly TCG budget?
I need more songs where Zel is rapping like this
GameStop customer service finally called, they said FedEx lost my submission
what do you listen to besides quadeca(also roast my taste or ask me about it if you want)
My friends gf says these are all real, I believe they are fake
Heatwave Arena Leaked Cards
Please help me settle a debate with "Mr. Know it all" over here
Is KOTMS really a good workout album?
Thank you for spending $$$ on product while I scoop up the cheap leftovers.
I know so many people have done this, but I want to do it again now that I’ve heard all their songs (besides NPI)
Which artist do you guys recommend I go to to fix up my tattoo?
finally someone has said something rather then sitting and watching
debuting deleta ya @ radio 1 office
I caught a scalper draining a Pokemon machine(Video)
Most underrated fullart?
Hey fellow Clairo people , what other artists do u listen to ?
Do you guys miss me?
How much would this be?
Does anybody else not really like this card?
Specifically for prismatic, I would like to thank the scalpers