What behaviour is OK if a woman does it, but not OK when a man does it? Why?
Long hair and BJJ tips?
My Psychiatrist seems like she wants to keep me sick
Neurotypical men are manipulative in dating
Men who don’t approach women, why?
How to "turn it up" in rolls
Boxing/martial arts classes
Truly don’t understand why people place such emphasis on “fashion”
Narc can't bpay bills
Why is this place so self deprecating
Blocking my narc is pointless
We’re not really depressed. Big Pharma has tricked us into thinking we’re depressed.
Are men smarter than women?
“Men Who Hate Women” by Laura Bates, good read so far but it’s intense
I don't want my girlfriend to drink, is that controlling?
Why do Men hate Women
Share your own ADHD lifehack. Let's help each other out!
Is Leandro Lo overhyped
Is it possible to get my purple belt at 1 to 1.5 years at blue?
Diddy releases statement in light of allegations
Dragging your feet while you walk is a dealbreaker
How do you not let people ruin jiujitsu for you?
What hobbies did you have before BJJ and do you think doing them helped you when you got on the mats?
Had a tough roll and thinking of quitting to avoid injury
IBJJF gi color requirements