Why do Pokemon fans complain but still buy the game?
Woman VS Technology, now, which videogame is about Man VS Reality
[FIN] Zell Dincht
If Snivy, Litten, Popplio end up being the Starter trio for the next Pokemon Legends game, which region would they fit in?
As a leftist what the duck is this
Only the internet would hate a bad girlfriend more than a genocidal terrorist.
Oil Stains in Marble
Governor Shapiro trying to be relatable
I hope Gen 10 really is the ultimate Pokemon game
Trump looks shit even when bombing the Houthis
What the actual fuck
For each color, what cards would you run in your deck regardless of the commander?
What do you think is the 2020s version of this?
United States of Israel folks
What is this inaccessible building across the San Luis river?
Additional Streams Megathread
Which game should I start next in my backlog?
Next, which videogame is about Man VS Society
Removing posts is very badass
What commander calls to you like the Green Goblin mask?
As an American worker, how do you feel when Social Security is referred to as an entitlement program?
What newish pokemon has been a surprise and become your favorite?
get your bag man. I get it. I will watch the vods. can't say I am not disappointed though.
Saw anther post here about this, new can of brand risk (left) is a very different color.