what game is this (only wrong answers)
Name her
It’s my birthday today
One of the sickest things about Vincent that not many mention is that he tried to put his fat useless life in the hands of a 12 year old when he threatened to break a branch if she didn’t respond to him.
26F looking for friends.
Is anyone else stoked about the JFK assassination files being released tommarow (I obviously won't read all 80,000 pages)
You know what, jail was the best thing to ever happen to Vincent.
If you had to give “Seinfeld” an alternative title (not including Jerry) what would it be?
Tier list on what they add to the story and if their backstories are interesting.
This dude scored 10/10 in the looks department
Camping over the summer
Subsequent Elections If Nixon Won In 1960.
I showed my 12 year old son Back to the Future for the first time. Here are his reactions.
Do you think we’ll ever see another bald President again?
Who was the most handsome president?
It might not be as bad as coleslaw. Chicken and waffles pizza
Make the informed vote
Updated Canadian election forecast as of March 16, 2025: The Liberals are now projected to win the election
Potential 2040 map with yours truly (me) as the GOP nominee
Breaking news: Democrats fighting
Why was THIS the closest election Klobachar has faced?
Could Old Marty See, his younger self arrive October 21st 2015?
Go Kart man at night?
current ratings for 2026