My flight was delayed for 2 hours, then I checked the next flights with the same airplane. Can someone explain me what happened?
29-06-1995 Sampoong Department Store Disaster. South Korea. Swipe to see more photos. NO visual fatalities or injuries
how to fix
Inconvenience while traveling in Seoul
Can folks give me advice on towns worth visiting between Busan and Jeonju or Jeonju and Seoul?
Something to think about
is it worth learning DT?
WiNdMüHlEn DeR sChAnDe!!1!1!11!
Wen wundert das schon?
Hautpflege im Winter
Elon Musk’s child saying “I want you to shush your mouth” to Donald Trump
Why do i get so scared when playing osu?
Players who created their account during/after 2020: how many of these beatmaps do you recognize? Please say the year you made your account when commenting and how many you recognized out of 20 (@ all).
Stell dir mal vor, du bist AfD - oder CDU-Wähler, und…
name suggestions?
Do you remember how old you were the first time someone called you by Sie? And how did it make you feel?
I don’t know anyone who supports AfD, so where does all their backing come from?
Don't know if its a bug, but characters now get some shine after you start the second combo string. I liked it. I hope they don't fix it if it's a bug.
how can I have max health bars like in BT3?
I'm confused about kcal and cal difference
Can some one help me get the estimate nutricional values?
Is there a Feng Shui AI?
Tokyo Revengers - Chapter 277: At Last