The shopkeeper recommended me these kits as presents. Are they good?
As someone who doesn't know anything about RC cars, how are my presents of choice for my dad?
Help a son pick a present for his dad?
My father found out I was planning to build a PC and got me this. Thanks dad.
All might cosplay
Approaching the monsters at three times the normal speed!
Never fear. I am here.
Rathian likes to watch
Braindead dragon piercer build by PWARGaming. 100+ dmg per pierce.
Amateur Question : How do i beat end game iceborne monsters faster?
Clearly the superior way to fish
Nothing happens with SOS flares
I didn't know the giant jellyfish dies in one hit
Is this Wild's celestial illusion jellyfish? I saw 2 in the same quest.
First time building a mffpc. Does anyone have experience using the Jonsbo Z20?
What is this part called and can I paint it?
Does this mean the average soldier has trouble fighting one imp?
I hope I can recreate this guild card in Wilds
Which mutants are X-Men?
Should I buy this 2740 USD custom gaming pc built by a reputable store or build my own?
Currently obsessed with these mechanical bust gashapons
How do I panel line this?
Magik have a nice body <3
Why do I keep moving forward after letting go?