I'm tired of only getting 5 days of PTO
It's sad that this isn't surprising to me
For my vacation to the area, which do you recommend I do?
Is this trail picture part of Dog Canyon trail in Oliver lee State Park? or is it another trail?
Road trip to El Paso/White Sands/Carlsbad Cavern/Guadalupe Mountain. Recommendations?
If you’ve ever travelled to Canada, what were some culture shock? Also what did you like or dislike?
Why do a lot of men like rolex watches?
Do you also get told to travel abroad when you're young and to visit your country when you're old? Or do you prefer to visit your country when you're young?
I really hate nepotism and people that have no experience in payroll shouldn't be hired to be payroll managers
Best restaurants I can try in this whole area? (I will be there on a Tuesday so Mad Jack's BBQ will be closed).
Did something change with service prices?
Tours/activities are too expensive domestically. I'm looking for alternatives around the world where I can do similar things but for a fraction of the price.
What countries offer the worst bang for your buck in terms of cuisine and food options?
Thoughts on what Marie from Breaking Bad said about New Mexico?
Do I need to get coolant or antifreeze if I go to a cold State?
What's the craziest or most ridiculous story you've heard of someone wanting to do an unfeasible roadtrip ?
Olive Lee State Park vs KOA, which one would you recommend?
My vacation plan in America as an European:
Do I really need to replace my coolant+ engine flush at 24k miles?
Americans, what happens when you're hiking or camping somewhere overnight and you get snowed in. What do you do?
Are there any touristy places in the US that have a higher elevation than Cusco (11,152ft)?
Is visiting Calgary Stampede possible if you're on a budget?