They finally removed buzz lightyear
What's the common thing between these brawlers
This is what you will get if you already have melodie
guys, hes right, hes not 6, he is infact 7 instead.
I became what I hated most
Anyone else feel like this card is underwhelming?
Can I get 1000 flair
I wasn’t there to experience it, but were they really that broken…?
Me watching people getting free pizza slices while I got nothing
is there a skin that makes you immedietly underestimate a player
i hate mortis teammates
Are there some skins that you guys never regret to buy them?
Which gadget do you think should get nerfed or removed?
What’s ur first title?
I just realized most Edgar mains now never got him during the Brawlidays for free
I hate this annoying monkey
Who is the most annoying brawler and why is it surge?
Get this STUPID mode outta the contest
i have every jessie skin
im bored :P
Ranking the 2024 BP skins
Skins that you will be suprised how RARE they are
shelly can destory everybody because shes the main character
You are removing 2 brawlers from the game. One goes to paradise and the other goes to hell. Which 2 are you going with?
I can't be the only one who hates this map