I ordered cinnamon rolls from Dominos, received plain pizza dough instead
Servers back up.
Servers working for me again. Anyone else from Uk with the same luck?
How long do you reckon we’ll have 6 before getting the next title?
Shelby Welinder the real model Rockstar hired for GTA V's iconic loading screen posing in front of her billboard in New York.
You guys want anything BUT GTA 6
Has the second trailer been cancelled? 😂😂
My final version of the concept map before the second trailer
Store opted to making you have to scan an QR code to see opening times
What are you expecting from take twos earning call on February 6?
This is Manni L. Perez, Rumoured to be the actor for Lucia in GTA. Does it look like her?
Nailed it.
R* after the release of GTA6 🤑
What scent do you think he wears?
I hate betting - it's destroying me.
GTA 6 is really happening!
Just killed 90 people in a game and I don’t know who to tell.
From the UK, with love to the people who are affected by the LA Fires
GTA 7 or RDR3?
They’ve been cooking for a whole got damm year!!!!!!
Activision W
Given how long it’s taking for us to get the game, should the map be bigger?
are the fires in LA affecting the release of GTA6?
What’s a addiction that you had for a long time that you quit but took a long time too?