Bubba or rare forgotten MAS 36?
A Webley on St Patrick's Day
Got to bring home a real icon today (PPSH-41)
“It’s called the GAME BOY.” - Howard Lincoln, Tetris (2023)
Found a long time want. Gew98, 1901 Spandau.
Milsurp market is in hell
Anyone lose this keychain?
What specifically makes this Mosin variant highly valuable compared to other variants?
Gun Submission to Gun Jesus
K98 help
Can anyone tell me about this 1914 P08 Luger?
A wall of Nagoya Type 99s: zero-11th series
Looks like it’s a modified Mauser
On this day 34 years ago, the events of Citadelle des Morts occurred.
Where can I get these things for attaching canteen to Belt,lost my ones
Why is Blanchard making that face? Wrong answers only.
State of the Collection, 2025
On this day 34 years ago, the events of Liberty Falls (intro) and Terminus occurred.
Swedish Mauser M1896 Stock Disk Help
What is your favorite Milsurp in your collection and why?
Picked up my first Milsurp Today!
I bought my first rifle 2 years ago with the friend who showed me the world of milsurps. Today I went to his funeral
Anyone know what happened here? Ambulance by Lamar Fleming Building.
Visited my LGS once again, saw some more interesting new arrivals.
They took down the petition??