Mother left brand new baby just now ?!
what’s this freak doing
Bought my lonely 2 yo male a kitten for Xmas. Meet Wesley and Wilhelmina 🖤
Rachel Corrie, 23, stands between a bulldozer and a house on March 16, 2003.
How to live with tsc?
eye hamartoma
Three voids following you out of the parking lot has to be a good sign, right?
Anyone else got into nursing despite being introverted/reserved?
Do any of your voids give you “no thoughts head empty” vibes?
Any dismayed liberals wanna be friends?
Cat owners who speak languages other than English, do you call this cat shape a "loaf" in your other language? What other terms do you use?
does this wound look ok?
Looking to start a dinner meet up group for women in their 20s and 30s!
Nurse educated the resident
is this a new moodlet from the update?
Who tend to be your favorite patients?
He's doing his best
I cry every day. I have cried six times this morning.
AITAH for snapping at my wife and calling her crazy because she wants me to take a paternity test for my nephew?
Noel sleeps on me every night.. He is a mama's boy..I love him to pieces. I have 5 cats but noel clings on to me more then they do..
I found my kitten loafed up in my bread basket on top of my bread
Hey yall!
Muslim patients at end of life
I accidentally made Alicent on the sims