Do you remember what song turned you onto PHC?
What is your elitist position you’re most conscious of and still do?
What the best song to transition you from sitting still to action?
What's an adult problem no one warned you about?
Of all the crazy predictions, don’t think anyone saw this coming…
Saxon is not so bad
Interested in Saxon's line about not taking the shot when you had the chance
House of Protection reminds me of someone- on the tip of my tongue?
What was your VERY first gateway into heavy music?
Jason Isaac's throws interviewers off by not answering prosthetics question
Well…I tried.
When I publish a web app or website, is there any visible indication that it was built with Replit?
Hosting question from beginner
Where is the weight held from a binge?
Anyone else notice the similarities between the Ratliffes and the real life Murdaugh Family?
Lach isn’t gay, trans or sexually confused.
I think she knows…
Why do you prefer using a straw to drink?
AI dismissal
What changes/improvements would you like to see in the next season of the Circle?
What's the best response to you're hideous?
Me watching Saxon exist
Ok I'm sold, Parker Posey is the best actress on the show lmfao look at the facial expressions top tier
What it's like to be a human