I'm really starting to hate Jean.
I kissed my brother and now my fiancé wants to break up with me since he finds it weird. AITAH?
Childfree lesbians, where are y’all?
What’s a small detail from the series that bothers you to no end?
Is smoking a deal breaker
I really don't understand all the hate for Ruby right now
Am I the only one who can't stand this character?
I feel violated and confused by what my fiancé did to me. WIBTAH if I told my parents?
How old were yall when the first Lion King movie came out?
I wanna get in on this hehe! what vibe of lesbian do I give off?
Why do drivers rob?
am i the only one who doesn’t like the villain song in mufasa?
AITA for pretending to think beans in chili are "woke", to prank my Cousin who is obsessed with being "anti woke" and who loves chili?
How autistic i think the dr characters are as an autistic person
How do you deal with crippling loneliness and touch starvation? Or am I the only one
Turning 30 tomorrow ❤️
So happy about that kiss
New couple
OMG my 2 favourite characters
2+ months post BB
Wow. Just wow. Absolutely astounded.
So creeped out by Vicky storyline that I can hardly watch it
What’s a moment you found funny that wasn’t meant to be?