What are you guys fasting from for Lent?
Defense more permeable than KC
Anyone join medishare?
Room number is not a patient identifier.
What do you do in a week?
This is how they extract blood from chimpanzees
The big secret.
Just a few lymphs.
BAL I had last night
People in hematology doing diffs at 5am
Apologetics is frustrating with MTDists
The LCMS response to Flynn’s Comments on X
Should a child be baptized if the parents are living in sin?
Brand New 2025 Laramie Didn’t even make it home
I was baptized today!
What’s the diagnosis you Googled, and instantly regretted?
Is Lutheranism dying?
When a pastor retires, how do you address him
I'm prepared for my downvotes
Elon Musk Targets Lutheran Organizations. Stops all payments to Anything Called Lutheran Using Control of the uS Treasury
Please settle an argument: is this bacon burnt?
A Sci-fi Thriller by Techs for Techs (spoiler-free book review)
Reading the instructions for the Cryptococcal Antigen test I do like twice a year...
What assay tests for liver enzymes?