Introducing the ultimate solution for designers: The Little Free Pattern Library!
Accidentally felted this lace Shetland shawl. Please reassure me it’s still pretty
Before the final touches
In contrast to the recent top I finished, I had one sock on needles since November. It just needed the heel turned...
I finished the Mount Pleasant top in 12 days, just in time to wear it for the first warm day we've had since October!
New needles, new project!
BWT- What is the best thing youve purchased for yourself after a bonus?
New Pattern Excitement? ADHD? Or just a normal part of knitting? Who knows! How many active projects do you have going at once?
I didn't notice this until a few rows after... What happened/what didni do and is this fixable?
The Never-Ending Battle of Knitting the Perfect Gauge But Its Always Off
Mount Pleasant Top: A long journey and lessons learned!
Ingrid Sweater - sleeve length
Amy sweater - PetiteKnit
First cable project: Drifting waves slipover
P*titeKn*t literally said she invented fashion in knitting in 2015 but I have the receipts to prove she's wrong and a liar. Look at all the fashionable knitting patterns that she IGNORED from 2007 through 2013!
Beginner sweater / ozetta
This was the one place I asked her not to lay down
My finished Edwina by Dee O'Keefe
Finally finished a sweater that had been missing half a sleeve since 2020 and.. I hate it >.<
Is there too much hand-holding in the fiber arts circlejerking world? (answer: no and if you think yes then you are a Bad Person and probably a kn*tter) (although "bad person" is implied by "kn*tter" so sorry for being redundant)
Can I see your most worn/used knit item?
Looking for a free pattern
I'm a pretty advanced knitter - are these patterns too hard though?
Adoption Agency or Self-March?
Gauge length