what’s it like being the only girl in a subject/lesson?
what’s that one poem you guys will compare with literally any other poem (p+c)
My english teacher won’t mark my essays
how to revise while i’m fasting?
Can i get all 9s if i haven’t paid attention in Y10-Y11?
How I got all 9s (from the laziest guy ever)
any lip products for a fair neutral muted olive?
Is 9 a bad grade
my mom is in a toxic (abusive?) relationship with my dad
Having a weird feeling down there when exercising
English literature shouldn’t be mandatory. How far do you agree with that statement?
When should i sit my 2024 mock papers?
Why taking ART is DIGGING your OWN Grave (All in one GCSE Art Post)
Do you hear/see people cry in exams?
i cried because i studied for a month but still dropped down in maths
pls help a girl out 💔
i did better than expected in further maths
me when we haven't even finished the content yet...
Do you think joining r/GCSE helped your grades?
It’s now official, guys 💀
My school used PMT questions for mocks :(
Update... I cut it!
My mom says I deserve it bc the way I dress
Should i take english literature?
UPDATE:Me and this girl started dating but the whole school hates her