Asked for Jalepenos on cheessteak
Megathread: Price Increase on legacy plans
This guy decided to pull out a big speaker and blast music on the street for hours. No clue why.
30M, freshly divorced, ex-wife took the kid, do your worst
Name that game
Several Judges recused themselves from the ward leader Steve Jones case despite party and DA claiming to be unaware.
Know your rights!
Philly people with cars: How much/how often do you drive?
Yesterday I completed C+. Today I learned that Ace can be high or low in a straight.
Protoclone, the world's first bipedal, musculoskeletal android.
Best way to practice against spesefik decks
Eagles Parade confirmed for Friday - Go Birds!
Saquon has more Supwerbowl Victories than the Cowboys have had since he was born
14-40, Drake's perfect age gap
Mechanic Recs that won’t scam me?
The very first time I entered a catacomb
This is why people use these unauthorized services,
Starting the game soon. Couldn't finish DS3. Am I screwed?
New week, new giveaway - r/Xbox is giving away 10 user designed Xbox controllers EVERY WEEK throughout December! (round 3 of 4)
Her insurance claim was denied, she said “deny depose defend“ on the phone to the insurance company- now she’s charged with acts of terrorism in Florida
Was anyone at the Philly show in September 2022 and if you were do you have the video of me sitting on a cake ?!?!
What's your biggest pet peeves when dueling either in person or online?
It is now illegal to stop in bike lanes in Philly (enforcement is next)
Out of towner with an evening to kill. What's going on tonight?