Fascinating how many times Ternansky shows up in Search results here
Shuttle circle by Central Campus trolley temporarily blocked off
Anyone know what went down at Rita Atkinsons today at 2am?? There were 5 cop cars
The gliderport pervert is back. Have pepper spray or gel handy
Congratulations to the new admits. Please confine your athletics injuries to Saturdays, when emergency personnel make regular trips to campus. Thank you.
Congratulations to all the new admits. Now don't leave your stuff unattended.
Be careful if you arrive on campus early
Many people stuck in many elevators
I got attacked in Warren mall
"Don't eat beans while playing the tamborine!"
Bunnies spotted near Geisel!!
PSA: If the road in front of you is flooded, DON'T DRIVE DOWN THE ROAD
I'll have what she's having
Bro felt bad so he was trying to un-steal
Who is the Carrot Guy on Library Walk?
When you come to campus for the free wifi and the sticky rice
Another person fell at Canyonview Outback climbing center
In case finals are stressing you, there are some lightly-scented calla lilies around the corner from Target on the right
Aw hell naw…
Someone installed the S in Marshall on upside down…
When you've had too much Bird Rock coffee
Staying Safe ‼️‼️
Is it true Pepper Canyon East is getting demolished?
If you never left your stuff unattended and got it stolen, did you really attend UCSD?
Why are these eucalyptus caution taped off?