Inconsistency in events
Hammer is the hard mode I was looking for
Brand new player (powerpass issue)
Belgian ex-Bazaarians! You can get full refunds on your Founder's Pack purchase.
How Can Lost Ark Be More Enjoyable? I would like your Input!
New(ish) player looking for Adventure Tome advice :)
1600-1620 is scam
Am I being trolled by AGS? Mokoko Leaf question
The Battle Pass is unusable for me, in its current form. Here's why:
Best/most fun class for solo raids?
I think I got my first "rare" item :D
My stats are bugged ?
Why does the challenge express give me a T3 stone, while everyone else has a T4 Stone? Am I missing something here? Please help!
Another wave of permanent punishment targetting chaos botters specifically today, not related to GFN like last time.
I have a hard rule to never buy battle passes
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
Should I open my chests now?
How Will F2P Ever Unlock Packs?
Even blizzard made sure to not make battlegrounds pay to win
Excited to play open beta but which Bazaarian should I choose?
All new upcoming items for Vanessa and Pyg (1 Vanessa item missing)
Instead of making a Diamond Win an undefeated victory, buff Lich and make him the 11th win.
Ferros Khan, my beloved...
should i buy it?