How it started vs how it’s going 😅
There's a person tied up to a chair. You are ordered to give him an electric shock from 0 to 10. What's the reward? Read below.
AITA for not attending my sister's wedding because of her "wedding tax"?
No time for this nonsense.
Anyone in the parks today?
$3 million but the main protagonist of the last form of fictional media you watched is your housemate for a year.
Making the trip magical for newly adopted daughter
Did parents in the 80s really allow their kids to roam freely, or is that just a portrayal seen in movies?
Is that a fungus in my grandpa inherited lens?
Which 2 Nighttime Shows?
Since Universal’s Contract is Expiring in 2028, what is the worst way for the Simpsons to be integrated into the park?
Has anybody seen anything like this before? (Please read caption for more important info)
Forbid non-NSFW photos here?
WIBTA if I told an elderly man from my church I will not be shaking his hand?
Advise for concert photography lense
Adding 1 more to your Dining Reservation
2 months into concert photography and looking for some CC before my next show.
Fake or real?
AIO: I went on one date with this guy and don’t think I want to go on another
WDW Resort Pick Up
AITA for Shaving My Head Even Though My Boyfriend Hates It?
You win a lifetime supply of the last thing you bought. How happy are you?
As a non smoker does every smoker smell bad to you?
You get a genie who will grant you as many wishes as you want. However for each wish you make, 3 inches is added to your height. How many wishes will you eventually make?
Selling our collection!