Looks like he's gonna be okay, guys!
The Terror of the North: AWEBORAPTOR
Women = Dumb
why jinx so gnarp???????? gleep?glor????p
This place is extra as hell, but damn do I love it! Anyone got 12 mil they can spare so I can move in?
What the hell is this
Wunk recalls terrible moments of the war out of nowhere (he suffers from PTSD)
Living Room - 1917 Alladin Home Interior
This is my favorite Dino
Priceless coffee
Is this winter enough to kill off the ticks?
It's a lovely morning in Malta, and you are a horrible Goosio
remembering Paulie
This hard-working American protected visitors at parks. Now unemployed because of Trump
Gleek Peek
Favourite upcoming confirmed animal?
“Hey! Get off my toast!”
ekwbauuy8644iaj eiej3i3 d djajjwhgao1029i3u3u
What pet would you strongly NOT recommend?
Infant burns to death from hair dryer when mom claiming to be warming him passes out: Cops