Go wild
What do you think if the song ratings
Which unreleased song do y'all think would've been a hit
What’s your most controversial/divisive Weezer opinion?
My SZNZ Tier List No one Asked For
She’s built 👑
Junkrat x Venture smut
how many match’s will I play
Yooo i just got the funny mercy emote from opening 12 lootboxes~!
Pretty self explanatory
Orisa has autism!?
The 18-year-old girl from Across the Sea is now 47
What's your most hated Rift Challenge?
whats the single most overrated weezer
Which song?
Bro thinks he’s different 🙏☠️
What did Weezer do to Pitchfork to deserve this score 😭
Which track is the most beautiful and/or well done from Van Weezer (instrumentally and/or lyrically)?
Thank you overwatch for giving me more white women
The blue album teir list
Favourite track from Van Weezer?
This would be too much lore for blizzard to handle
Weezer tierlist. Extra commentary because the letters did not properly express my opinions