Is this a good choice as a first guitar?
Why do I suck
Is this Gianini stratocaster a good choice as a first guitar?
Who wins?
adotei esse gato da rua, qual a raça dele?
Você está trancado(a) com essa maçã e ela pega uma faca pra tentar te matar. A 3ª imagem da sua galeria tu vai usar pra enfiar no cu da tua mãe
Please, criticize as much as possible.
Im relativly new to manga, should i read berserk
• You arrive home after a long, tiring day and go straight to bed. Upon entering the room, you see both Albedo and Shalltear sleeping in your bed. What do you do?
If Berserk were a fighting game who would you main?
Nova era
Who's the most handsome sexy and desirable male non-Ainz character of Overlord?
Qual é um anime bem aclamado mas que você não suporta? (bem aclamado é diferente de ser popular)
Yo I just drew REM! Rate it out of 10 plz
Pra onde vão os aifaner?
If you could ask Tolkien a question about Middle-Earth, what would it be?
You are Griffiths lawyer. Defend him
Me julguem amores, e pode julgar com força, só quero saber qual impressão eu passo e quanto vcs acertam
And I suppose you also hate Sunlight?
Could the 4 protagonists of Isekai Quartet survive in the world of Nanatsu no Taizai?