Vedder Cup is official! 🏆
[Divish] Garver x-rays came back negative
MBMBaM 753: The Dicktine Chapel
Whose jersey should I get?
Anchorman Ron Burgundy suit up for auction
Mariners v Padres free game of the day today
Order repeatedly delayed
Offseason losers…as expected
i'll see all my fellow paper tigers on opening day
Making Team Coco In Lego. Any Questions, Comments or Concerns?
[Mariners] We have claimed INF/OF Miles Mastrobuoni from the Cubs, and he has been added to the 40-man roster.
Just finished got home from getting my tummy buddy tattoo finished.
Conan Confronts His Audio Engineer About A Technical Issue | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend
Due to the fires: I wouldn't be surprised if Conan doesn't host the Oscars or the Oscars just don't happen
MBMBaM 744: The Naming of 2025
Daily Thread - January 06, 2025
LF Koraidon - FT Miraidon
LF: All future paradox FT: All past paradox (and Koraidon/Miradon for touch trade)
Need Scarlet specifics
LF All future paradox FT All past paradox
Pokemon Scarlet looking to trade for all Violet future pokemon
What is your job?
Google Pixel Owners Show Higher Confidence in Resale Value Compared to iPhone and Samsung
If we get some commonly accepted passwords, we can create lobbies right? Maybe if this blows up the mods can pin it?? Obviously, its all-honor system and just good fun.
Can we talk about this piece of crap