Deceived and Lied To by Tesla Sales Rep. What to do?
What happened to Celsius?
Dating in Fort Wayne
Leasing Offer in the Negatives?
What keeps you using Nespresso
how do i quit , im addicted
Taste like shit
Garbage tier drinks
Which one fo today
Am I too lazy to make $400K/year
Next time someone says it's all in your head..
Best route to get into a finance career without finance degree, and what even are all the options?
Weekday Dinner Specials?
While I know Retail Banking is sort of the ugly step child around here, I got my foot in the door with a major bank in an assistant manger position and I’m really excited
Moved to NYC for My Dream Job, Company Collapsed in 6 Months—Now I’m Stuck and Struggling. Should I move Back?
Another 'moving to Ft Wayne' post. Where to live?
Serious question
That was fast
Police all over downtown near Promenade Park
For those who went to Cane’s today, how long did you wait?
what does this mean, in your opinion?
Top 5 coffee shops and why is number 1 your number 1?
I hit up Kroger, Meijer, Dollar Tree, CVS and Dollar Tree
You asked for more caffeine, so I made a new range
Best food delivery service to work for.