Why did "Asylum Seekers" seemingly become the dominant group of immigrants attempting to enter the United States around 2015ish?
CMV: Undocumented immigrants who have not committed any crimes shouldn’t be deported.
How does shadow sorcerer's Hound of Ill Omen work?
After only 2.5 months we have devalued Tesla's share to where it was before 6 months. Congrats!
Several Teslas were set on fire at a Tesla service center in Las Vegas early this morning.
GenZ can’t handle this reality
How to deal with people just spamming the word fascism when you disagree with them
Just keeps going down and down !
So like... what happens if I don't secure an internship 1L Summer?
Austin Texas has let the free market work and it's been paying off
What did Bethesda mean by this?
4/4/4 Rogue Sorlock
Is it all just political theater?
'Anarcho'-socialism is an infantile philosophy
How does one just “lower stress?”
Will the "Never Trump" movement die out after President Trump leaves office in January 2029?
Judge called me in chambers and said my talents are under utilized
Senator Bernie Sanders just posted this. Do you agree?
Regarded institutions shouldn't bowing to him!
No drinking while prepping for test?
Donald Trump Ignoring Court Order Is 'Doomsday Scenario'—Legal Analyst
Novelty Run: Squad of Soldier Archers, Build Ideas?
If you're not an Anarcho-Capitalist, why not?
Gifted Children
He did the thing!