HELP picking a specialty
How did the weird kid in your class do in clinicals?
Not ranking programs?
Which specialties are you certain you’d NEVER want to go into?
My ex passed away today.
What about Match possibility in Med-Ped
AITA for point blank refusing to be my sister’s surrogate, because it would ruin my "mummy makeover"?
WIBTA For Going Low to No Contact With My Recently Wedded Sister?
what was “supposed” to be your name?
Any movies that take place in just ONE single day from beginning to end?
How do you guys maintain your relationship with your significant other?
My personal statement is very personal, what to do for auditions?
Paying to apply for your degree?
Not sure what to do
Friend refuses to see Wicked because it is political.
Clinical Years Wish List
IM/Peds Combined
Is flying in from another country for second look worth it?
Failed Step 2 During Interview Season
Be honest: am I screwed?
Students who have dealt with passive ideations of suicide, how have you coped?
Is It Too Late to Apply for IM/PEDS This Cycle?
I failed out of medical school and I’m not sure what to do
Am I crazy? Do programs rank based on your outfit? I never wore a blazer as a male.
Legit question… what is your opinion on “shrooms”? Do med school students do drugs?