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I turned 73 today
NZXT Aio Not Reading 9070xt Temp.
a beluga whale looks like from below
Am I tripping or was there an option to Download and then Install games?
Most played game on steam, how many hours, and why?
It's 6am and already over 3k people in queue?!
What to farm when you have nothing else to farm in the game?
February Co-Op Ads
Should we be able to cancel the production for a queued up item? Thoughts?
What games can I grind for thousands of hours?
3D Printed and Painted Arkveld!
Where u guys moving and why? Need some opinions.
How can I turn this off? It's annoying
Who is this in Notts?
Who is this in Sacramento?
Adblockers protect kids
Game crashes on startup without even any crash report
Dear players who started this season.
Any upcoming MMOs that you guys are looking forward to?
Am I crazy or is that???
Most Annoying Enemy
Played for about 1 hour and refunded - should I give it an other chance?
So... how do I exit a dungeon?
I wanna get into Classic WoW please help!
Is there a list of weekly quests (and location) to do regularly?