Anyone tried the Primal UnChair??
Anyone tried this style chair? I'm a big fidgeter and considering buying this..want a 2nd opinion
Alternatives (cheaper) to this style chair? I can’t justify $400 but I think it would be so beneficial
Is pipersong chair worth it? ...
I love to sit cross-legged and fidget. Anyone have any opinions on the Primal UnChair or similar chairs?
Thoughts on the primal yoga unchair? I'm worried about whether it can take my weight
If the yogi squat is the natural resting position for humans should it become comfortable to sit in this position for hours at a time if you build up to it? Should it eventually feel as comfortable as sitting in a chair?
What is the most comfortable office chair for someone who likes to cross their legs?
What office chair do you prefer?
Best chair for sitting cross legged?
Trending “ADHD” chair with wide base to sit cross legged on. Yay or Nay?
Found a chair that's literally the floor raised to desk height
Office chairs that are ADHD friendly??
ADHD friendly office chairs recommendations?
Any recommendations on Cross-legged/ADHD friendly chairs?
Recommendations on ADHD friendly office chairs?
Should I learn a new language or get better at my existing ones?