Recommend me a long-impact fantasy novel that you can't stop thinking about.
Why Dems are cooked (aka my experience calling Foushee’s office)
[OFFER] Mooncat Petite Mort for trade
Dragon Scales, Space Oddity, Sealed with a Hiss?
Captain Archer's dog Porthos was actually in command of the ship
I wonder what her 23andme would look like
Assassins Apprentice
books like Song of Achilles?
Put my account into Reddit wrapped
How EPIC! is the Farseer trilogy (Robin Hobb)
Apart from the classics like Tolkien, Howard and Martin, what are the best fantasies before the 2000s?
Patchwork ideas for jersey/knit?
What is the greatest one-liner in fantasy history?
Tell me your favorite older fantasy novels
Interested in a Postcard from Durham, NC
Who are the best seers in fiction?
What fantasy novel has the best or most interesting story structure?
Secrets (assassin’s fate)
Give me some sci-fi and fantasy books to read.
What are your favorite master-apprentice relationships in fantasy?
What happened to the Voyager children?
I'm a big sucker for tragic love stories. Which fantasy series would you recommend that would make me cry?
Ideas for graduation quotes