Kjw kp13 cycles compleadly but does not shoot unless i cycle it manually beforehand.
What do you think about crossdressing?
Update on me and the 5’0 girl, where do I go from here?
How do I stop my neck from hurting while talking to this girl?
Should I tryout?
For sale
Best Aircraft in War Thunder. ARB BR: 10.7
Why do most of you guys hate Trump?
Ok y’all I actually need advice
sup fuckers im finally unbanned
Why does it feel like if I’m not a 10/10 I won’t find anybody
Ngl starting to like the week more than the weekends
Friend sent me this, any idea what it is?
What does one do while blocking an entrance at a conference?
Give me ur favorite album and I’ll tell you if it’s valid or not
Made some patches for a jacket
US Army ACU gear is going very cheap on the secondary market if you are in need of some basic kit
What did you get?
Any recommendations for a good GBBR based on a .308 rifle?
Just a reminder that you’re a pretty cool person
Best Aircraft in War Thunder. ARB BR: 9.0
What is your favorite country in terms of history?
How do you shave you nuts?
Yall free to share these helplines as you want, spread them where needed, edit as needed, some people need this.
Full auto letting all of the gas out