pov: your psychiatrist is giving you too many diagnoses
What meds did you get in the early stages of psychosis? (Prodromal Schizophrenia)
How old were you when you developed this disorder?
Do professionals commonly see schizoaffective as schizophrenia + bipolar?
Do you guys watch people on YouTube who have experienced psychosis/schizophrenia?
15f and have schizophrenia AMA
Do you name the voices? if so why? and what did you name them?
Childhood Schizophrenia?
Wah :O
Whats the worst med youve been on?
Gotta love the ultimate reality check
Where the silly but also pilly girlies at?
I was diagnosed with schizophrenia as a teen, AMA!
Does anyone else hate when people say your schizophrenia is something else?
Your fav songs related to schizophrenia?
Real though
When did you start experiencing symptoms?
Chat is this real??
When the crew aint keeping it true
Psych meds got me fucked up
I get mad psyc(hos)is
When your psychiatrist doesn't get that you're just delicately dying in style...!
Advice writing schizophrenic characters
What do you think the worst med side effect is?