did anyone still live with parents whilst having a newborn?😕
pregnant ladies with cluster headaches…
Unmedicated here. Should I even bother learning to drive?
how do you figure out if it’s migraines or something else?😩
UTI er doctor prescribed
Wrong Sneak Peek Girl Results?
Pregnant 16 weeks movement??
When did you start showing during your first pregnancy ?
First ultrasound visit
is anyone else in absolute disbelief at the fact we have a baby growing inside us?!
(TW: Miscarriage) Going back and forth on whether I really want to have a child
Baby sprinkle theme
When will first trimester nausea go away ?
cannot revise for my driving theory !!!!!!!!!(Uk)!
Urine incontinence? Or just leaking?
Sudafed/pregnancy congestion
BPD Measurement Small - Anatomy Scan
ADHD medication during second trimester? 😩
Blood in vomit?
Which meds worked best for “inattentive type” ADHD-PI?
How long does Elvanse really take to start working?
are my symptoms normal right now?
Bleeding and mild cramps early pregnancy
Is this normal?
How long was your adhd assessment and was it done privately or by the NHS?