Top 10 moment… Kathy crashing the catwalk
Oh my god?!
Vanessa Didn’t Piss Me Off This Time
Unpopular opinion: Jessica’s speech should not have been #1 moment in LIB history
Award to the biggest Pick me in LIB history goes to..
Yeah I think we all collectively owe him an apology ahah
Madison complaint on netflix photo lol
So, this scene. How bad is he trying to get out of a relationship ship with Lauren?
Are we seriously meant to believe that this big house only has TWO bedrooms?
If you aren’t burping, it ain’t working!
Who believes Ben?
Garcelle’s new hairdo! Drops red hair
Who doesn’t remember why things ended with someone they dated? Ben doesn’t!
Who doesn’t know why they stopped seeing someone they were dating? Apparently this guy:
I am not losing fast enough.
Is my husband gold or silver?
I don’t see Kyle as a horrible person…yet
I have tried to like Sutton, and…It’s hard. Dont know how others feel
If these three had a fight to the death, who would win?
brandi xandemic. thoughts?
What's your GG ick?
My friend said this…
My money is on Dorit being the one who sold that BS story about Jennifer Tilly to Life & Style
Unpopular opinion about Boz
I can’t roll my eyes enough….